
Art for Architecture

We believe that contemporary art can add significant value to architectural and design projects. Our innovative Art for Architecture service provides a continuously evolving curated contemporary art collection and licenses details of high-quality artworks for architects and designers, providing a new design tool that brings a fresh and unique perspective to any project.

Art is often considered an afterthought rather than an integral part of the design process. Our mission is to make contemporary art more accessible and diversely represented in the built environment. Our service brings added cultural value to the building while offering artists additional visibility and a new source of income. Ponsia operates with fragments of artworks, i.e. details. We do not reproduce the whole work of art.

Ponsian Art for Architecture palvelu tuo korkeatasoisen nykytaiteen suunnittelijoiden käyttöön.
Kuratoimme arkkitehtuuriin sopivaa taidetta, lisensoimme teoksen yksityiskohdan käyttöoikeudet ja konsultoimme rakennus- ja tilamateriaaleista.
Palvelumme mahdollistaa kohteelle kulttuurisen lisäarvon luomisen ja tarjoaa samalla taiteilijoille uuden tulonlähteen.

How It Works

Our service is effortless to use for both architects and artists.

Choose an artist: Architects and designers can explore our ARTISTS lookbook to find contemporary artists whose works are suitable for their project, or contact Ponsia for a consultation to receive a curated collection of suggestions.

Art licensing: Once you have selected the detail of the artwork you want to use, Ponsia provides a license for the use of the digital image of the fragment, which can then be incorporated into the architectural or design project.

Material consultation: Ponsia will provide guidance on how to integrate the selected artworks into the building or space. This includes recommendations on suitable building materials and techniques for incorporating the fragments into the project. Browse our recommended materials here: MATERIALS

Earnings for the artist are generated based on the surface area or number of products.

Art Collaboration

Heini Aho Joy of Being Together
Heini Aho
Visa Norros
Iina Heiskanen
Fanny Varjo
Raisa Raekallio and Misha del Val